But... being "good" shouldn't simply mean that a person doesn't do bad things. That shouldn't be enough. There should always be an active, ongoing effort to do good things... to make a difference.
I guess that's where I get frustrated sometimes. I know so many amazing people, who are capable of so much good. Yet, there's so little motivation to actually do more with their time. To do more with their lives.
The reality is this: we're all just trying to make it in this crazy world. I get that, trust me. But if everyone just gave a little of themselves, then people like me wouldn't have to carry all the weight on our shoulders.
Why should the few people who care SO much... be expected to do it all? Sure, I care more about animals than the average person. And yes, I've made the decision to dedicate my life to saving them. I certainly don't expect everyone else to do the same; it's just not realistic. So of course I carry more of the burden than others. That's my choice.
But I can't do it all on my own; I need help, just like every other person who dedicates their life to a cause... also needs help. I do so much... and I do it, because I want to do it. But with more help, I could do even more. We could do more.
Everyone can do something. Every single person. But it's so disheartening when good people choose to do nothing. Each helping hand makes a huge difference.
Byt when the help isn't there, the entire burden falls on those like me, who are already overloaded and overwhelmed. Because we are the ones who care too much... to do nothing at all.
Instead of reaching out to lighten that load, a lot of people feel comforted... just knowing that people like me exist. So, when help is needed, they figure: "She'll take care of it." ... and those thoughts help them sleep at night.
It's good to be thankful for those who are out there fighting on the front-lines. But without support, here's what happens: the people who do it all... eventually reach a breaking point. It's inevitable... one person can only do so much. When that happens, everyone loses. The world loses.
This isn't my way of saying I've reached a breaking point. This is just my way of asking for help... for me, and for others like me. This is my way of encouraging all of the good people out there to act. To get involved, to make a difference, and to do something amazing with your life. Allow the goodness in your heart to drive your actions.
Just do something-- anything. Make your life count. If you're a good person, prove it :)
When you die, what will others say about you? What good did you do with the time you were given? How was your life different... from all the other lives?
My hope is to inspire every truly good person to have solid answers to those questions. Otherwise... why are you here?
**YOU can do something amazing NOW! PLEASE DONATE!**