To render bait dogs helpless, their teeth and nails are often filed or removed, and their mouths are duct taped shut. Then, they are restrained to further impair them... as a fighter dog is instructed to attack. During the baiting process, bait dogs are horrendously mauled and killed. Those who survive each attack receive no treatment for their wounds, which can include loss of their ears, eyes, snouts, and limbs. Many survivors are subjected to the same baiting torture, every single day, for as long as they live. Others are dumped to suffer slow, painful deaths.
Often, bait dogs are obtained from “Free to a good home” ads, animal shelters, and Craigslist. Others may be stolen from your backyard. In addition, many of the “weak” or submissive Pit Bulls— those with the sweetest dispositions—are deemed worthless by dogfighters… and turned into bait dogs. Then, the nightmare begins…
For these dogs, their gentle nature is used against them; their friendly demeanor is exploited; their loving spirits are purposely broken. Their smiles are duct taped shut; their joy is snuffed out; and their desire for affection is denied. Their hopes, dreams, and love are stolen… and replaced with terror, pain, and heartbreak. Their innocence is stripped away, layer by layer, until they have nothing left...
The lucky ones die in the ring. The others can only pray for such mercy…
In order to survive this level of torture, these dogs must retreat to a place deep inside themselves… and hide. In turn, they completely shut down… because the physical pain has wounded their hearts… and the emotional pain has wounded their souls.
Bait dogs are dead… long before they die…
Bait dogs are dead… long before they die…
If you save them…
They can come back to life…
If you save them…
They can come back to life…
Noah’s Story

Onlookers were horrified at this scene... assuming that this poor dog must be dead. There’s just no way that a dog in this condition could still be alive...
But then… this gentle, broken boy... slowly lifted his swollen head off the pavement, to show that he was still among the living.
A tiny, heartbreaking whimper said, “Please help me.”
But then… this gentle, broken boy... slowly lifted his swollen head off the pavement, to show that he was still among the living.
A tiny, heartbreaking whimper said, “Please help me.”
Noah was picked up by Animal Control and taken to the local pound. When he arrived, he was utterly terrified… a feeling he knows all too well. As they led him into the shelter, my amazing rescue friend, Myshea of ARC HS, saw him… battered, wounded, and broken. As he passed by, she reached for him, and despite his fear and pain, he gently licked her hand.
Myshea began to sob, because she knew his fate all too well: Ater surviving a lifetime of abuse... this little boy had arrived at the one place... where he'd have no chance of survival: the pound. Dogs like Noah are not placed up for adoption at the pound. They are killed. Immediately.
Regardless, Myshea began treating his wounds... and showing him love for the first time in his life. In that moment, she made a promise to herself that she'd find help for this baby… and she made a promise to him that he wouldn’t die there. So, the pound gave her until the next morning to find rescue for him, or he would be killed.
That’s when I said: “He won’t die there. Call the pound tomorrow morning and tell them not to euthanize. I’ll take him.”
The next morning, Myshea made the call that would save Noah’s life. Then, ARC HS pulled this sweet boy from the pound, on behalf of Lucky Dog Rescue. Next, two amazing volunteers, Lucia and Carla, transported him to Meridian, Mississippi.
When he arrived... he walked right into my arms… and fell into my heart...
I named him: Noah.
That night, I watched… as Noah laid down, closed his eyes... and breathed a huge sigh of relief. Then… he drifted off to sleep.
I can only imagine it's the first time he’d ever felt safe his whole life.
I can only imagine it's the first time he’d ever felt safe his whole life.
When he woke... he looked around the room… with uncertainty of his new reality.
As his eyes found me, a huge smile spread across his face. At that moment... I saw the years of terror, pain, and heartbreak... leaving his little body.
Knowing in his soul... that the nightmare was finally over.
But the dream… has just begun…
Knowing in his soul... that the nightmare was finally over.
But the dream… has just begun…
When Noah is feeling better, he will be placed up for adoption through Lucky Dog Rescue. If you are interested in adopting Noah, please fill out the online Adoption Application: