You just never know...
Sometimes, that someone may come right out and tell you how you've impacted their life.
Other times, they may say little --or nothing-- about it...
Regardless, the result is always the same:
You did good.
While it's never about the need for their acknowledgement or appreciation (at least, it shouldn't be)... many times, you may do something truly impactful... without even realizing that you've made any difference at all.
Maybe you did something for someone, simply because it was the right thing to do, and then you went about your day.
Or you said something to someone, because they needed to hear it, and then you carried on with your life.
Or maybe you wrote something for others, just because you cared, and then you went right back to work.
All the while... you have no idea... that you've just changed a life...
Often, your own actions will seem trivial, meaningless, and insignificant to you. You may assume the following:
Other people make a difference.
Other people change the world.
Surely, I'm not one of them.
But in your mind, you know that you're a good person.
And obviously, you try to do good things.
So eventually... you're going to reach someone.
But even when you do...
If you're like me...
You probably won't realize that what you did even mattered.
You probably weren't even expecting it to.
You probably did it anyway, just because it felt like the right thing to do.
So then, after the fact... when someone comes to you and says: "Thank you for what you did. I really needed this today."
You're honestly pretty shocked.
When they say: "You reached me when I needed someone the most."
You're actually pretty dumbfounded.
And when you hear: "This is how you've changed my life..."
You're absolutely speechless.
While those words will mean the world to you --and undoubtedly change your life, too...
in that moment, you'll totally be thinking: Wait... I did that?!
You were simply trying to do the right thing.
You never expected to make that kind of difference.
And yet... you absolutely did.
To you... it may have been nothing.
To that someone... it may have been everything.
Here's the deal:
Even if we don't know it...
Even if we don't believe it...
Even if we don't use it...
We each hold the power to change something...
Sure... I'll be the first to admit my own self-doubt... especially when it comes to the idea of impacting others. I rarely think I'm capable. I'm usually just speaking, writing, or acting from my heart... with little-to-no expectation.
That's especially true when it comes to my blog... or as I lovingly call it: my dinky, ole blog.
I write posts... and for whatever reason-- people read them.
When I write, I'm just hoping that maybe my words will bring comfort to someone. Or maybe I'll change their way of thinking. Or my greatest hope... maybe they'll feel inspired in some way.
Do I expect these things to happen? Definitely not.
Do I expect anyone to read it? I certainly don't.
But I write anyway... because there's always a chance that something good could come out of it.
And for me, that's enough.
Yet... most of the time, I doubt myself, especially when it comes to my writing.
Even though I've written from my heart.
Even though my words are true.
Even though I believe in my message.
I still think to myself: Wow. I suck.
Regardless, I write anyway.
Why does it matter?
Well... every single time... it just so happens... someone, somewhere needed to hear those words that day:
"Dear Ashley- Sometimes in life, someone reaches you, at the exact moment you needed them. Today, I experienced that moment. You were that someone for me. Thank you, Ashley. You changed my life today."
Reading messages like those, I'm always shocked, speechless, and amazed. But mostly, I'm touched.
So touched.
So moved.
So thankful... for the person who took the time to thank me... for something I never expected a "thank you" for doing...
For something I never even thought I could do.
It's an incredible feeling... to reach someone when they need to be reached. There's nothing like it.
In truth, we should all try our best to make a difference for others, every chance we get.
After all... that's why we're here.
And honestly...
If I can make a difference... then you can make a difference.
It's not about my writing.
It's not about my blog.
It's not about me.
It's not about giving myself credit for doing something "amazing" ...
Because what I do with this blog... isn't amazing at all.
I write posts from my heart, because I care. Then, I share them. That's it.
But here's why that matters:
I could easily allow my own doubts, my own criticism, and my own fears to stop me from ever writing anything in the first place.
Yet... I write anyway.
And so... I'm able to make a difference... simply because I tried.
Each and every person holds that same power... to change something, for someone, somewhere.
A smile can change something.
A hug can change something.
A kind word can change something.
YOU can change something.
We're surrounded by a world of people (and animals) who feel alone, broken, and hopeless.
You'll pass them each and every day.
You'll rarely know their struggles.
They'll rarely ask for help.
And yet... they need you.
A simple, random act of kindness on your behalf... could be all they need... to feel okay again.
YOU could give them hope--today, right now, this second.
All you have to do... is try.
Above all else, always be kind.

If you feel it in your heart, say it.
If it lives inside your soul, write it.
If someone needs your help, do it.
An opportunity is always waiting for you...
Someone is always wishing for you...
A lost soul is always hoping for you...
Maybe you'll make a difference...
Maybe you won't...
Try anyway.