Nearly one year later, on the anniversary of my Rudy's death, I wrote a 3-part post about the events that had happened in the year since Rudy died.
In the 3rd post, I wrote about Mary Ferguson of PhenomeGNOME.
I wanted to surprise her, so I didn't tell Mary that I was writing the post about her. I only sent her this thank you message:
Mary- It’s funny how life works its way back around. It’s been almost a year since you first gave me hope… and here we are again.
You probably don’t even realize what you did for me last year, but honestly, you changed everything. At a time when my life could’ve easily gone another way, you were the turning point for me. You showed an incredible amount of compassion to a complete and total stranger, and in doing so, you gave me back my life. I’d always wondered what it feels like for the dogs I save… when someone who owes them nothing… gives them everything. Now I know.
If I tried to explain all the things that have happened in my life since Rudy died, you probably wouldn’t believe me. But believe this: you made it all possible. Thank you, Mary, from the bottom of my heart.Your generosity saved more lives than you could know, including my own. -Ashley
At the end of that post, I begged everyone to show Mary their support by liking her facebook page, and purchasing some of her amazing memorial statues. I just wanted to make Mary smile, and maybe return some of the hope she'd given to me the year before.
...But when I shared that post, here's what I didn't know...
That very day, Sunday, July 10, 2011, Mary was crying on her way home. As she was driving, Mary was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. And that day... her world was crumbling around her...
A few years earlier, Mary had finally made the decision to take that leap of faith and do what she loves. Mary is an artist. Her passion: creating... through love and compassion. Specifically, Mary makes special memorial pieces for those who have lost a loved one... in hopes of bringing some comfort and peace to their hearts. Such was the case with me.
But in making the decision to follow her dreams, Mary faced so many struggles. The income wasn't always there, but the bills were getting larger. And then, her husband got sick. Very sick.
Fast forward to July 10, 2011. As Mary was driving, she decided that maybe it was finally time to give-up on her passion. She began to sob... realizing that it was probably a silly dream after all... and that the time had come for her to move on, for the sake of her family.
Mary wiped her tears, walked inside, and turned on the computer to check for any final orders. Then... her mouth fell open, and chills covered her body...
Fast forward to July 10, 2011. As Mary was driving, she decided that maybe it was finally time to give-up on her passion. She began to sob... realizing that it was probably a silly dream after all... and that the time had come for her to move on, for the sake of her family.
Mary wiped her tears, walked inside, and turned on the computer to check for any final orders. Then... her mouth fell open, and chills covered her body...
Mary's inbox was full of inquires and orders. Many of those messages said: "Ashley told me about you. You are amazing." She was beyond confused... wondering what in the world she'd missed...
That's when she went to her facebook page... and saw the hundreds upon hundreds of new fans and comments waiting for her. Every message said: "Ashley sent me."
Mary thought: "What did Ashley do?? How is she doing this???" That's when she saw the blog post I wrote... about her.
And that's when she contacted me...
Mary: Ashley!!!!!!!!! I've never... I'm so... I don't even know what to say!!! I think I just fainted, but I can't remember! I'm crying! Sobbing! Tears! Joy! Amazement! Ashley! Thank you!!!!
Me: Did you like your surprise, Mary? :)
Mary: Ashley... you will never know what you did for me today. I was going to quit. I was closing up shop. I was giving up my dreams today, Ashley. You just can't know...
Me: Oh... but I do know, Mary! I know exactly what you mean. You did the same for me last year. It was only fitting that I return that love to you. You should never, ever have to give up your dreams. Maybe now you won't have to...
Mary: OMG! An order just came in from Denmark?! Fainting again!!! Thank you, Ashley!!!
Me: I didn't do this Mary. You did. The kindness in your heart. The compassion for total strangers. The love you so freely and unselfishly give. You did this, Mary, and you deserve it.
Every single day, I try to make a difference in this world. But that moment with Mary... was one of the proudest moments of my life. I will never, ever forget it.
So... the story should end there, right? Mary changed my life. I changed hers. End of story? Well... if you're Mary Ferguson... then you've just gotta do something else to truly blow me away...
A couple of months later, I was checking my email, when I saw a message from Mary waiting there for me.
Subject: Hi Mommy
As I opened that email... I burst into tears. The message read:
Hi Mommy! It's me... Rudy. I miss you so much, but I've made so many friends here at the Rainbow Bridge! I promise I'm okay now, so you don't have to worry about me anymore. Just look at my angel wings!
You're famous here at the Rainbow Bridge, Mommy. So many animals here know you! They're all so happy that you were part of their lives, and they love you so very much. Each of them asked me to thank you... for loving them when no one else would. I feel the same, Mommy. They all want to kiss your face when you get here, but I tell them: ME FIRST!!!
Sorry I can't stay longer, Mommy. I have to go now. But I want you to know what a huge difference you made in my life... and in the lives of every single person and animal you meet.
You're famous here at the Rainbow Bridge, Mommy. So many animals here know you! They're all so happy that you were part of their lives, and they love you so very much. Each of them asked me to thank you... for loving them when no one else would. I feel the same, Mommy. They all want to kiss your face when you get here, but I tell them: ME FIRST!!!
Sorry I can't stay longer, Mommy. I have to go now. But I want you to know what a huge difference you made in my life... and in the lives of every single person and animal you meet.
Always remember that I love you, I miss you, and even when you can't see me... I'm right there beside you. My whole life... I waited for you to arrive. Now, I'll be right here... waiting for you to arrive again.
Love, Rudy
In all my life, I don't know if I've ever been more speechless. Without my knowledge, Mary had worked tirelessly to create a Rudy memorial just for me. The next week, she mailed it here.
And once again... a package would arrive from Mary Ferguson... that would change my life.
In all my life, I don't know if I've ever been more speechless. Without my knowledge, Mary had worked tirelessly to create a Rudy memorial just for me. The next week, she mailed it here.
And once again... a package would arrive from Mary Ferguson... that would change my life.
*I asked Mary to add the Pit Bull Angel Memorial to the regular listings in her Etsy shop. And now, YOU can purchase a special, amazing Pit Bull Memorial, too!!!
PLEASE SUPPORT the incredible Mary Ferguson of PhenomeGNOME on Etsy!
Link to purchase Pit Bull Angel Memorial:
Link to PhenomeGNOME Etsy shop:
PLEASE LIKE her PhenomeGNOME facebook page:
*Mary, from the bottom of my heart... thank you for being you. -Ash