Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) refers to a law or ordinance passed within a given jurisdiction, which restricts or bans the ownership of specific breeds of dogs.
In some areas, specified breeds are banned completely, meaning that ownership of a banned breed is prohibited and illegal within that jurisdiction.
In other areas, ownership of these breeds is "restricted." While restrictions vary by jurisdiction, here's the basic premise: owners of a banned breed must comply with a long list of (ridiculous) requirements, including, but not limited to, the following: registering the dog as a "vicious" or "dangerous" animal, purchasing a high-dollar liability insurance policy for the pet, mandatory muzzling of the dog in public, mandatory requirements for "containment" of the animal... the list goes on and on. Possession of a "dangerous" breed can also lead to the denial or loss of homeowner's insurance, or eviction by landlord.
BSL affects many breeds, including Boxers, Rottweilers, Bulldogs, Chows, Shepherds, and Huskies. The most highly affected breed? The Pit Bull.

Therefore, the term "Pit Bull" is essentially the same idea as saying "Retriever" or "Spaniel." It's not an actual breed. It means nothing.
So, therein lies the first problem... our society is banning a "breed" that isn't even a "breed" at all. Does this sound logical? No. Does it sound ignorant as hell? Absolutely.
Secondly, in restricted areas, owners of these breeds are required to register their dog --who has never exhibited any signs of being "dangerous" or "vicious"-- as a dangerous or vicious animal. They're required to pay thousands of dollars for liability insurance that serves no real purpose and has no justification. They're required to muzzle and restrain a pet who never has --and never would-- hurt anyone. Does this make sense? No. Does it sound completely ass-backwards? You bet.
In areas where ownership is banned entirely, owners of these breeds are forced to give up their dogs in order to remain in their towns. Does this sound justified? Negative. Does it scream "I'm with stupid?" You got it, dude.
Sure... it's very easy for the rest of us to sit back and say, "If this happened in my area, I would just move." But honestly, it isn't that easy for everyone. Our economy sucks. Jobs are scarce. Homes don't always sell. People can't just pick-up and move at the drop-of-a-hat, and they're given no other option.
And that's why, each year, thousands upon thousands of "Pit Bulls" are being ripped from their homes and their families. Many of them end up dead in the animal shelter. The rest of them... end up with me, or with other dog rescues like me.
I can sit here and vent all day about these ridiculous, unwarranted laws and the ignorant injustice that drives them. But that's all been done before. So now, I want to talk about the dogs... and what BSL looks like for them...
I've seen the impact of BSL on so many Pit Bulls... and I've witnessed what it does to these loving, deserving dogs. Let me first say this: it's extremely difficult to find an amazing home for any Pit Bull in the first place. Trust me... I know. Because... no matter how hard I try, societal bias has reduced the adoptive pool for these dogs down to the size of a tiny teardrop.
So, each day, millions of Pit Bulls across the country wait for hope to arrive. Some of them have been waiting for years. Others... for days... with only days left to live. For most of them... that hope will never come. But for a lucky few, a family will finally look at them and say, "You're one of us now. Let's go home."
I've seen the joy on their faces in that moment... as they shower their new families with love for the first time... love that's been waiting in their hearts all their lives. I've seen the relief in their innocent little eyes, as the nightmare finally ends. I've watched them happily prance out of the animal shelter... toward the future they never thought they'd have...
Then... I've seen them come back, when a new breed ban strips away their family and forces them from their home. I've seen the pain, the abandonment, and the despair. I've witnessed the utter devastation.
I've seen what most people don't see. I've stared into the face of BSL... into the eyes of the hearts it breaks. I've tried to pick up the pieces... to repair the damage of what our government has done to these innocent dogs. But no matter how hard I try... I'm never able to fully to fix what was broken...
I've watched them wait... every single day... for their families to return for them. I've cried uncontrollably, because I know what they don't know. Their families won't be back. No one will come for them. They will never go home again.
I've witnessed innocence at its most heartbreaking level... the innocence of those who have done nothing wrong... but were still punished for the crime. I comfort their sadness, with promises of a better future... knowing all the while... that I can never really be certain of my vows to them...
Because in my heart, I know the truth... at any time, BSL can appear in any city, in any county, in any state in America. Its impact can be sudden--without warning-- and just that quickly, these dogs can be right back in this very moment. A heart can only break so many times...
I bust my ass to save these Pit Bulls, because they have no other hope. Then, I bust my ass to find them amazing homes... to give them the lives they deserve. And eventually, I do send each of them off to their own special future...
But no matter how much I do, or how hard I try... I can't stop BSL from stealing those futures. If I can save them... but no one can adopt them... then how can I give them the lives they truly deserve? I save them for one reason: to give them forever. Then, I'm forced to watch... as BSL suddenly, wrongfully, and tragically rips forever from their hearts.

Each day, my baby will beg me to take her home. But I'll know... that she will never go home again...
I'm asking each of you to help me end this injustice. We have to unite, stand up, and fight BSL. Even if you don't own a Pit Bull yourself, your dog's breed could be the next on the list. Your city... your county could be next. BSL threatens your family... it threatens my family... my dog, Riley, and all of my rescue babies.
I'm tired of picking up the pieces of BSL. I'm tired of saying, "I'm sorry" for things I didn't do. I'm tired of looking into the desperate eyes of a dog who just wants to go home...
Knowing all the while... that they can never go home again...
I can't fight it alone. I'm just one tiny soldier. This will take an army. Please join me in saying, "NO MORE."
I am thinking of adopting a dog from your web site. But I don't have a car and need it to be delivered to me. I live in upstate NY . And most of your dogs are from the south . Is it possible to do this?
ReplyDeleteAnswer: LVDASH9@AOL.COM
This makes me sick. Can our elected officials work real problems and not make issues that take the lives of innocent babies. I can understand what you are feeling. You can make a difference but can't do it all. Where's the army of people that luv animals? :(
ReplyDeleteNO MORE!!
ReplyDeleteBSL is BS!!
It is racial exile for animals, and we are not suppose to allow any form of racial profiling. So why do the laws and governments force it on the innocents?
ReplyDeleteI adopted a pitbull that was going to be put down that same day. I've had many dogs throughout the years, and this one is the most loving dog I have ever had.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter's dad and step-mom had a red nosed Pitt, Paige, and she was THE BEST DOG even around the kids. My sister had a Rottweiler, Harley, who would give the little ones rides on his back around the house. In both dogs, the kids would climb over them, pull their ears and tails and the dogs would just sit there. I would trust both these dog breeds in any LOVING environment! It is not the breed of dog, it's how the dog is raised!!! If it is trained to be aggressive, naturally it would be aggressive, as any human infant would be when it grew up. If a "vicious" dog were trained to be a loving, protective member of it's family, it is exactly that!! Both Harley and Paige have passed away, but they were the best dogs EVER and still missed dearly by our families.
ReplyDeleteThis whole ban of babies is ridiculous! The dogs that are actually mean have their owners to blame! Dogs can only learn from those owners. Ban the owners, not the breed!! "Pit Bulls" are amazing animals, and so are Rottweilers, etc. People just need to be responsible with their pets!
ReplyDeleteBravo on such a heartbreaking post. As a Pit Bull owner I live in fear that one day I may be forced into a position because of BSL. I have faced the discrimination that many Pit Bull owners face - denial of homeowners insurance, being criticized for owning such a "dangerous breed." People are so ignorant and they are happy to stay that way, and that is why Pit Bulls are in such desperate need. I am with you: NO MORE.
ReplyDeleteIn my county, there is no BSL that I know of. If there was, this city's council would never be swayed by mere pet owners, anyway. If there isn't, I could easily imagine it being installed. This county is always on the hunt for more revenue and fining owners of pets has become the latest avenue our city has exploited by doubling every mandatory tag and license fee, doubling every other fee associated with pets and making it impossible to afford a pet in the worst economy most of us have lived through. All this after even our veterinary community strongly opposed the new laws.
ReplyDeleteI have been afraid this would happen here and certainly see a time coming when it will. Is there any political group or activist group with money and power that will give this concern a voice? It will be hard to campaign against it unless there is a well-known organization to back the effort and provide education on it. I'll be looking that up....
Oh Ashly, I am so sorry that one of your pups is coming back. My heart is breaking for you, for the pup and for that poor family who has t give up the baby. Every single one of us has a RESPONSIBILITY to tell our law makers that we do not stand behind BSL. The politicians are meant to REPRESENT US. How can they do that if we do not make it perfectly clar what we want? Write your local rep, your state rep and anyone you can think of telling them you DO NOT support BSL or the politicians that support it. Commenting here that we agree, or posting it on our Facebok doesn't solve the problem. BE a part of the solution and contact YOUR government reps.
ReplyDeletelet me know how i can help stopping these stupid ass laws lets rip these people from thier homes and see how it feels contact me at starbear1998@yahoo.com please lets get these laws stopped!! this is supposed to be the land of the free and that means what kind of pet you own also!!
ReplyDeleteTo the top comment! I'm getting a dog delivered to me by a fantastic service that actually stops in the town where she runs it!!!!
It's cheap and the guy has delivered many dogs :]
"There is no such thing as a problem breed. However, there is no shortage of problem owners. -Cesar Millan
ReplyDeleteNO MORE!!!!
this ne4ver ends im so sick of this goverment and the stress they put on all of us humans as well as animals your right this has to stop ill sign any petitions you send out,i dont know what else i can do let me know kathy
ReplyDeleteThere is a BSL in my county and I want to change it. I am compiling a group of bully breed supporters to help me. I have an American Bulldog and he is at risk though the law currently only covers "pit bulls".
ReplyDeleteWho would you recommend that we contact regarding this issue? I understand that you can't possibly provide individual links, but is it a state issue, a county issue, a city issue? How do we voice our opposition to BSL?
ReplyDeletei am an owner of a bull mastiff and my city recently put my dogs breed on their dangerous dog list, so i feel what u are saying, my dog is the most good natured dog you will ever find, this has to stop, they are dicrimating against these animals based on breed, not the content of their charecter, we arent supposed to do this to humans why are we doing this to dogs, they are god s creatures also.
ReplyDeleteIt is never the dog, but the human who has failed... perhaps there should be some kind of control for owning a dog - training and seminars, dog-loving groups should form maybe to help out new owners
ReplyDeleteNo More, it is just wrong, its the people that use the love and loyalty of the breed to turn the dog into a fighter that should be banned not the dog that is actually one of the most loving and sweetest breeds I have ever met
ReplyDeleteDid anyone ever take this to court? I can't believe if you owned the dog before the law is passed; how could they tell you that you can't keep it? This is unconstitutional!
ReplyDeleteI will fight this battle with you. These wonderful animals need their names cleared. It's not their fault that some stupid people did stupid things a long time ago to make the animals seem like the bad ones. I own a Pit Bull mix, and he is one of the sweetest dogs in the world. He is nowhere even close to being dangerous. He loves to cuddle, and loves to play with my lab mix, and miniature poodle.
ReplyDeleteAshley this is an issue I see often where we live because of "pit bull" attacks. The thing is these aren't pits that are trained, disciplined, or cared for the way those breeds need to be. A responsible owner has a very sweet loving beautiful dog. This legislation only hurts the innocent. What about legislation that requires something more productive such as requiring proof of training classes? Wouldn't this be better than banning a dog for its breed? That sends a message that discrimination is ok. Its not ok at all. One dog bites - a town bans the breed but any dog can be provoked to bite. Its up to the owner to provide the tools and training and proper discipline. My dad had a Staffordshire Terrier for 15 years and Cheyanne was a wonderful dog. RIP Chey! We miss you!
ReplyDeleteBSL is like a sneaky little cancer that attacks you when you least expect it. I live in Northern California and I have noticed within the last six months the talk of BSL in my area. The first I heard of it was in San Mateo County. Luckily, it did not go to the next level. Last week BSL was brought to the attention of Sonoma County and was rejected. I really believe it might happen eventually if we don’t do something now! Ashley is correct. We need to ban together and stop it now before it happens in our areas. Anyone have any ideas? BSL is Bull @#!& Legislation.
ReplyDeleteI have 2 beautiful "pitbulls". One is a male that showed up at my house back in 2003. He was litterally starving (he weighed about 20 lbs and had muscle wasting. He looked like a bag of bones). I was obvious that someone had chained him and I guess he finally lost enough wiegh that he was able to slip off the chain and made his way to me. I gave a him the best home ever and he absolutely loves everyone. It is amazing how dogs continue to trust humans after so many suffer at the hands of irresponsible owners. He now lives like a prince and weighs about 70 lbs. The city that I live in has also now banned all "pitbulls" and so I have to hide my dogs inside the house like the jews did from Hitler. The have never been aggressive towards anyone but yet they are treated like criminals. I would never just leave then out in our fence unattended for fear that a city worker may just ride by and decide to steal him from me. So now I guess I am considered a criminal to and could face REAL criminal charges if they are discover living in my house. I would never just give up my dog without a fight. BSL Sucks both for the dog and the millions of pet parents across our great nation. P.S. In this area I live in .....there was no BSL when I rescued him from the streets but one day I was posted that the city council had decided what was "BEST" for our community
ReplyDeletei love pitbulls and i know how they can be. in fact with pitbulls they are probably one of the best house dogs you could ever have!!!!!! the breed of dog itself is one adorable and love-filled breed. i cant stand it when someone is walking down the street with a pitbull and someone says "how can you walk that vicious thing!" i hate it so much. i hate it when the rottweiler, pitbull and the germanshepard are treated like shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think its wrong!!!!!!!! there is no such thing as a bad dog when it is born, its the bad owners that make the dog have that bad personalty!!!!!!! i am putting my foot down and saying no, it is wrong so very wrong, and one more question, Who Is With Me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteit's not the breed of dog that is viscious its how the human who owns it trains it. then we should get rid of tigers,alligaters, bears, sharks ect...cause they are wild & attack everything because of how mean they are-- so lets just delete all wild life to be fair to the certain breeds of dogs that are aimed as dangerous
ReplyDeleteI have 'adopted' 2 of what a shelter called a pit bull. There is a simple test done with a tiny prick and a drop of blood. My 'pit bulls' turnmed out to be be a choclate lab and a terrier. The other one is nothing but 'terrier'!
ReplyDeleteTanner is 90 pounds of magnificence and is gentle as a lamb that weighs 90 pounds can be! MisSouri is 65 pounds, yet she runs like a bullet over the ground and is very protective of family . . . the all American dog. I also have an Akita/Husky mix that is far more aggressive than either of the 'pits'. As with people, more than heritage goes into who/what we become! People ruin dogs . . . Dogs are born to instinctively love people (who treat them with respect and love.)
Tried to post through wordpress....so I am repeating myself.
ReplyDeleteI believe the problem is within how and why we breed dogs. Puppy mills, unethical breeders, commercial breeders, backyard breeders. We can breed all types of behavior and health issues in or out of a breed. I think we laws should be imposed on the dog breeders themselves. Forcing licenses, monitoring...anything.
WE ARE THE PROBLEM FOR THESE VICTIMS. Until that is under control it does not matter what breed is on that ignorant list. Annie Weddle
BSL is because people are not educated about the breeds.... if you do not know get educated!! Look at the deed not the breeds!! Pitties are the sweetest dogs...it is the owners that make them bad! And yes, I have two with four other lab mixes and they are calmer, smarter and more affectionate than my lab mixes!
ReplyDeleteFantastic post Ashley.... as usual. Off to share it on our blog/FB page :D
ReplyDeleteThis is sooooo dumb...I live in a small town in Kansas and they have BSL but luckily enough they are pretty lineiant on it and I can keep my Pit Bull...I wanna be able to fight this really bad so I think I'll start with my own town :) we can win
ReplyDeleteI love my American Pit Bull, Marilyn. she's the sweetest thing ever. We are allowing the dog to be punished for the stupidity of humans. It needs to stop.
ReplyDeleteBSL is such an awful thing. I am so very sorry Ashley. Sometimes I think politicians make more of a mess of things than anything else.
ReplyDeleteI have always tried to educate people on pitbulls (all 3 kinds) and help them to understand that what they hear in the media is such B.S. I just cared for one of the nicest pitbull clients of mine, Armand. What a love!
I support anything that speaks out against this ban. What if we had a Stop BSL day and everyone blogged and posted on FB and Twitter the same day about why BSL is bad and how we need to end it and how we can do so? I know it's not much, but maybe it's a start.
Instead of banning breeds, I will vote for any politician who bans stupid owners instead. Some places are banning labrador retrievers as well and only God knows what is next. I foster labs and I have a 2 year old and they are all so gentle and loving with her. And unless a dog has been taught otherwise, most of them are that way. They learn agressive behavior from STUPID people. So lets ban the stupid people instead.
ReplyDeleteIts the humans that are at fault... any breed can be dangerous just like the human being that can be taught evil ways etc. .....but for all pitbulls to be already seen as negative is wrong. I only wish we could weed out the ignorance of the humans that are trying to pass this law. Its how the animal is raised so its the human that should be banned from society. I heard the other day the news covered a pit bit a 2 year old... of course pit was viewed as the criminal. My question was why wasn't the child supervised? Why is a two year old by it self? I'm sure every year ppl are bitten by dogs of other breeds yet news only covers the pit!.... Its BS and its wrong to try to stop a breed when in fact its the humans that need the regulations
ReplyDeleteColleen Byrd NC
Thank you so much Ashley for your post and insight on what BSL has done to the dogs affected by this and also to the families that love them. It breaks my heart to hear what you know about this unfair legislation and how it rips apart families and the dogs that they love. I, myself, have two pitbull daughter's and I love them with all my heart. They are wonderful; fun, sweet, and loving dogs. I can't imagine being forced to give them up and surrender them to a shelter where they probably would not make it out. In fact, as I type this to you, I am crying because it rips my heart out to even think about it. I'm behind you 100% in saying NO MORE! What else can I do to help stand with you in this battle? I can be reached on FB under Cindy (Crankshaw) Silva or at godscreatures@sti.net.
ReplyDeleteI have the sweetest pitt bull (staffordshire terrier) there is and I would not trade her for anything. People need to understand it is NOT THE DOG IT IS THE HUMAN that makes this problem and its not like the dog wants to be that way,they are mistreated,beaten and have all kinds of bad things done to them. We as people need to stand up and be heard! This has to stop!!!
ReplyDeleteBSL is racist. NO MORE to BSL. Where are all of Gods creatures supposed to live when BSL bans another somewhere? This is cruelty to all the breeds mentioned. NO MORE BSL. You have to STOP. Where are the all going to go? NO!!!!
ReplyDeletei've had pits in the past and i own 1 right now,just adopted him friday.the only other dog that i find as loyal and loving as a pit,is a jack russell which i also own.if anyone ever came to my house to take my dogs away,they would be leaving with a shot gun stuck up their ass.no one touches my dogs,and no one sure as hell takes my dogs.i think we should put a ban on the bsl,everyone that is in this so called group,should not be allowed to have kids,these people are assholes,bullies,and i know that they don't have a clear concouis at night when they go to sleep.how could they?if we took their kids,like they take our animals,i wonder how it would make them feel.i say we do it,and then things might change.like the bible says do onto others as you would have them do to you,also an eye for an eye,take my dog,i'll take yours,or your kid,something will give then.bsl,is BS
ReplyDeleteOver the years I have encountered just about every breed of dog. The only breed I shy away from is a dalmation. I was bitten in a totally unprovoked attack by a neighbor's dalmation. This dog had a history of chasing children on bicycles and biting their heels. I believe I was the last person to be bitten before he was put down. His "family" had children so he was not unfamiliar with them-he just liked to chase and bite. Should dalmations now be considered a dangerous breed because of this ONE dog? I don't think so! So-called "pit bulls" should not be judged by the actions of those trained to fight. German shepherds rank near the top of biters-will they, too, be considered "dangerous"?
ReplyDeleteThese laws are stupid and the people who enact them are idiots, and worse, un-American. We don't blame an entire group for the actions of a few in this country; at least, we're not supposed to. Fascists and those we fight against do. We're supposed to look for the REAL CULPRITS- the bad owners- not blame the victims, their innocent dogs who've been used and abused. That's not what Americans do, nor how they're supposed to behave. The people makeing these laws have forgotten what this country is about, if they ever knew it to begin with.
ReplyDeleteOnce again because of irresponsible owners, breeders, etc. they face the penalty. STOP BSL!!!!!!! But more importantly stop irresponsibility and place the blame where it belongs on the people who do not do what they are suppose to with no regards to circumstance or consequence!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIs there a petition to sign to say No MORE to BSL?
ReplyDeleteThere will be a follow-up post about what we can do to end this problem :) The solution will take time... and patience... and a lot of action. But we CAN fix this.
ReplyDeleteWe can say "no more" til we're blue in the face, but what can we actually DO ABOUT IT??? Just asking....
ReplyDeleteYou are disillusioned. I'm sorry to say but I'm tired of the lawsuits and dogs being put down because they bit someone. This is fair to the dogs, too. My Aunt got viciously attacked by two boxer dogs who tore up her legs. I was bit by a dog as a child and I have never recovered emotionally.You cannot say that these dogs are perfectly safe to a stranger. Muzzling is the right thing to do. Besides, now an owner is less likely to put their dog down for being undesirable, when they know exactly what kind of POTENTIAL dog they own.
ReplyDeleteWhy has no one sued a city over this? It is racial profiling and if a dog has not shown any aggression I don't understand how they could. Years ago they tried for BSL in Bridgeton, MO and it was defeated, vets and people alike fought for the animals. Does anyone know if anyone has sued a city over this? I believe it would go against your constitutional rights, similar to your right to keep and bear arms. I believe the city would need to show absolute proof that the breed as a whole is aggressive and we all know that that is not true of any breed.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like the term pitbull takes in more and more breeds. Prejudice is prejudice even with dogs. We need to spread the word.
ReplyDeleteI do not understand this stupidity of our " elected " officials...I've seen such sweet pit bulls, loving babies...I had a 7 pound poodle for 161/2 years and he was the most vicious dog I ever had..had he been a pit, he's have been euthenized...he bit me ang all the members of my Family...neighbors...strangers...I'd say in his lifetime he bit well over 250 people...but he was just a tiny poodle and that was ok...I kept him knowing no one else would want him...he died of old age...I took good care of him, he wanted for nothing...but how and why he was so mean I'll never know...
ReplyDeleteTina Knight, I understand your feelings & I'm sorry your aunt & yourself were bitten by dogs. They are first & foremost dogs...and any dog can have the POTENTIAL to bite.
ReplyDeleteBut to lump all Pit Bull breeds into the dangerous category is wrong on every level. You & I both have the potential to be dangerous...is doesn't mean we are. You say we are disillusioned but I believe that, as most of us do, your views are filtered through the matrix of your experience.
My experience with pit bull breeds ( I volunteer in dog rescue) has been nothing but positive. I understand your feelings & you have a right to them but I ask you to honestly consider this.
If a black teen shot you, would you feel all black people are are dangerous? If a latino man robbed the store where you worked, would you feel all hispanics are thieves? If a white man raped you, would you feel all white men should be put behind bars? Should we punish an entire race over the actions of a few? No, we should take action with the guilty & appreciate the innocent.
Think about it. Even though you have had a very bad experience...banning an entire breed, especially on their perceived potential for causing harm, is just like eradicating an entire race because of a few bad apples.
I would ask your understanding for those of us who dearly love the bully breeds & our responsible owners. We don't deserve to have our beloved dogs taken from us because of the actions of a few.
Thanks for your consideration.
Stupid people with the mentality of michael vick...these beautiful animals were nanny dogs..you havent been loved by an animal until youve owned a pittie...
ReplyDeletePlease let me know what I can do to help...cbyrd@Pregis.com...Colleen Byrd thanks for sharing something I knew nothing about. God bless ur heart and my prayers are with you and the dogs who desperately need advocates.
ReplyDeletethis is crap, "pit bulls" are so sweet and loving, my neoghbor has one - Skittles, and she is the sweetest girl. She is so sweet, that I went to my local shelter and took one of these babies for adoption and he is coming home tomorrow - His name is now Cooper. He is a baby blue pit and he is so nice, my labs will be good parents to him and I know he will make an awesome part of the family. You know, whats next? I will be marked as a gang banger cause I am Mexican? Will my wife be marked because she is not and married one? the list can go on, and really humans are the most dangerous species, not these guys. They teach us forgiveness, and real unconditional love which is what most of the human race lacks, if we didnt we would not have this. We would not have Govt greed and corruption, or we would not have people killing people over money.. Now, what of we do with people like Vick that are responsible for these acts of violence on the dogs? WE GIVE HIM MILLION DOLLAR CONTRACTS TO PLAY FOOTBALL - Screw that, if Vick endorses, I stop buying.. why do we not ban those pricks and hit the real problem.. I can go on, but frankly you people here know, and I dont have to go on but this is frustarting and just a bit worked up on this since its not fair to them
ReplyDelete@Don B - you very eloquently said what I probably would have fumbled through in response to Tina Knight's comment. Muzzling dogs can often cause them anxiety, resulting in the exact behavior you are trying to prevent. It is not logical.
ReplyDeleteDogs often react in fear. I have yet to meet a truly "vicious" dog, but I have seen a lot of dogs with some bad behaviors, all of which is caused by their owners' lack of discipline or socialization with them, or knowledge about dog behavior.
I myself have a chow mix, and never realized people considered chows as aggressive or dangerous until I saw they were banned at an apartment we applied to, and some groomers won't even accept them as clients. I am lucky enough to never had been put in a situation where I had to choose my home over my pet, and I hope I never will, because they are my family, not some object to be tossed out. I've been raised with chows my entire life, and my Kaia is as mellow as any dog I've ever known.
BSL is ridiculous. Chows are wonderful. Boxers are wonderful. Pit Bulls are wonderful. All of the breeds listed in the post are generally known to be family dogs. All dogs have the potential to bite, just as all dogs have the potential to be wonderful, happy, loving family members.
I truly wish we lived in a world where people valued life, human and animal, and didn't condemn family pets to senseless death. So many adoptable animals are euthanized every year for no reason other than they are unwanted. Unwanted because their family couldn't keep them, or abandoned them, or some ridiculous law kept them from a home. It breaks my heart.
I have 3 beautiful ACD Blue Heelers and that is my breed! I've heard from a few people about how they think heelers are mean and aggressive. I know first hand how gentle and loving this breed is, and I can't imagine what I would do if someone told me I'd have to give up my dogs cause some politician passed a law that says so!!!! Outragious!!! If this legislature was against a certain race of people then this would make the front page!! There humans go thinking their more important then any other living creature!!
ReplyDeleteKeep doing what you're doing. You may be one person posting this but you have an army behind you including me! Thank you for all you do to save these wonderful dogs. (My husband and I have 3 rescue dogs!)
ReplyDeletePam Zink, Cincinnati OH
funny how they want to get rid of the poor animals when people like Michael Vick (I think that was the name) use them for fighting and when he gets caught all they do is slap him on the wrist, and then he is advertising for one of the animal org. that are always asking for money, well I know some people who always gave to the org., and now they won't because he is the spokes person, he should of been banned from every playing sports again and from ever having any kind of animal ever... he is making a good wage and the poor dogs he had are strugling... it's just like everything else, don't correct the problem animal, just make blanket rules that effect every animal, even animals that don't have a mean bone in there bodies... they show puppy mills on TV, but don't shut them down, what's up with this... pet stores get 99% of there puppies from puppy mills, avoid getting a pet from a pet store, or anyplace which has more than one breed... because you can be sure if they have more than one breed it is a puppy mill and they are not in it to breed a quality animal, poor little critters are sick right from the start, they are in it for the quick bucks... these laws that restrict you from having the kind or breed of dog you want are stupid, the people making these laws aren't using their heads... it's getting more and more like communist not a democrecy (probably not spelled correctly)
ReplyDeleteAmazing post. You made me cry. BSL is ridiculous it is unfair to punish a dog based on what people assume of the breed. A dog is a loving caring animal that will do anything for their family. BSL laws are making racist laws that are overcrowding already overcrowded shelters and killing animals who don't deserve it. This is not a matter that the government should get involved with. The pitbulls and other "dangerous" breeds should not be punished and neither should their loving family's who were willing to overlook the stereotype and give these dogs a loving home. These laws only break the digs hearts and their families. I couldn't image having to give up any of my pets because of a law they are my "children" who I love and would do anything for. Lets make BSL laws a thing of the past and stop this breed stereotyping!
ReplyDeleteit is time that we start fighting back the so called leadership of our cities, towns, counties, states and even the big government are doing what they what when they want and it doesn't matter what we want as long as we are a force of one, but together that is a different story. I am with you Ashley!!!!
ReplyDelete@Tina Knight,
ReplyDeleteYou cannot blame an entire breed --or actually, multiple BREEDS-- for what certain dogs did to you or your family. That rationale is completely nonsensical.
ANY large breed dog can harm a human. Should we just go ahead & ban them all?? Small dogs bite more frequently than larger breeds. Should we rid society of them as well? Men can rape women... should we go ahead & place them all in prison before they're allowed do so?
It makes no sense to punish an entire breed... for no certain crime... based on the actions of a few abused souls. Mistreated animals are capable of harm. Why not punish those who abuse? You mean to suggest that the animals are at fault here?? Maybe you should rethink your premise.
I'm happy to have an educated debate on this topic. But simply stating that all dogs within a breed should be banned-- a breed that isn't even AN ACTUAL BREED-- is not a debate. That viewpoint represents the same ignorance that got us here in the first place.
I challenge you to meet ANY OR ALL of my rescue dogs, and then tell me they must be muzzled and/or restrained in public. That's ridiculousness at its finest.
I'm sorry... but I will stand up for my innocent, loving children AT ALL COSTS. They have done NOTHING to deserve comments like this.
With all due respect,
One more thing. I've met every breed of dog throughout my life. My personal dog... is a Pit Bull. You think I'd choose the most "vicious" breed for my own dog?? You think I'd put my reputation... my life... on the line for an animal that would prove me wrong???
ReplyDeleteI am NOT disillusioned. I have A LOT of experience with this "breed," and I know their hearts. Love is love. Hate is hate. The people against this breed have clearly made their choice... hatred. And ignorance.
I choose love... and I fight for it every day. Again, I challenge anyone from the opposing side to meet even one of my Pit Bulls. One loving PB is all it takes to change opinions...
Ash, your post couldn't make more sense. I am a huge animal lover and I oppose stupid laws imposed by people that harm these animals... You can count on me on ending BSL!
ReplyDeleteAs a proud owner of 2 pit bull mixes, it is so frustrating to see people's reaction when I say, " I have pit bulls." Growing up with many dogs, I would honestly say my dogs now are the most gentle, sweet and loveable pets I've EVER seen. It is absolutely ridiculous!
ReplyDeleteNO MORE!!! what can i do to help exactly?? this breaks my heart for you and for the other dogs and owners that go through this :( :(
ReplyDeleteI think I'd rather see breeders banned than breeds (ridiculous)!) by a long shot. With so many "breeds" in kill shelters and puppy mills it's a wonder it's not illegal to "breed" and sell puppies. What can be done about both of these issues????
ReplyDeleteI worked in small animal hospitals as a veterinary assistant for over a decade. I encountered many "Pit Bulls" and Rottweilers. I never encountered a mean or ferocious one of these breeds. This includes the poor "pit bull" or was brought in by animal control because it had gotten loose. The dog was shot by a police officer who said the dog was charging him. Fortunately, the dog survived and the family that claimed the loveable dog said that they believe the dog was just running towards the police officer in an excited state (i.e., "Someone is paying attention to me!"), not in a vicious manner.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, the media generally only reports when a dog that has been beaten and abused to learn to fight anything that comes near it has attacked someone. They don't give the background history of the dog to explain why they have become vicious. If a human was treated the way that the dogs that are trained to fight have been treated their entire life, I believe that a human being could become just as violent.
What most people fail to understand that it's NOT ONLY "Pit Bulls" that are banned, there are actually 75 dogs on the banned breed lists in various cities, states and countries.
ReplyDeleteHow many people here own or know someone who owns a Labrador Retriever? Guess what... they're on the banned list, so are Great Dane, Saint Bernard, Golden Retrievers and many other family dogs. Let us not forget the small dogs here as well, Pugs are on the list as are Boston Terriers, my personal favorite didn't make it onto the list but I've been bitten by more Chihuahua's then I have the larger dogs
It's time everyone got their heads out of the sand and draw a line.. this far and no further.. if you want to take away any more of our pets, support animals, therapy dogs, then it's going to cost you a small fortune and tie up courts for years. Which would you rather prosecute, a pet owner because they chose a pet breed you didn't like.. or a criminal?
Pitbulls are getting outlawed in more and more cities, and its not going to stop unless we stand up and defend the dogs that would do anything to make us proud and happy of them. People dont realize is they aren't bad! They are the best dogs you could ever have, they are your best friend and are so loyal and loving to anyone who shows them affection. What people see when they see a vicious pit bull is an abused dog. When dog fighting was outlawed, dog fighting training was outlawed as well. Since people don't know how to train them to fight anymore they just make the dogs crazy instead. Dog fighters and drug dealers feed their dogs gun powder and lock them in closets to make them go crazy and want to attack anything they see, but pit bulls ARE NOT mean dogs, they are anything but. And i'm sick of hearing that they are, if you never owned a pit bull you have no right to say that they are mean. Please take a minute of your time and watch the video below(1st link) but beware it is very hard to watch. And the 2nd link is a pit bull test, you'd be suprised to see how many breeds look like pit bulls. But to incompetent arrogant people they are all "pit bulls." Which is unfair.
Although I've never owned a Pitt, I have had a German Shepard, A Great Dane, a St Bernard, a Husky,and now we share our home with 2 rescued Great Pyrenees. Not a single one of them was mean or aggresive, yet any one of those breeds could end up on the list. It's utter ignorance that fuels these bans. They should really spend more time going after the "owners" that make dogs vicious. So, what do we do to make ths stop?
ReplyDelete"Why you can't trust vicious Pit Bulls"
ReplyDeleteWhy you can't trust vicious Pit Bulls
10. They will steal your spot on the
couch while you are up getting a soda.
9. They will take the treat you give
them and bury in the back yard like a
paranoid crack head hiding their stash.
8. They will jump on your bed with muddy
feet. Making you do laundry...again
7. They will lick visitors with an
uncontrolled passion only they
6. They will cause children to smile.
5. They will make you feel horrible for
not walking them by looking at you with
deep sad eyes.
4. They will look at you like you
committed a crime against them if you
don't let them lick your ice cream bowl.
3. They will cause wide spread happiness
in large group settings.
2. They will crack you up by shaking
their butts so hard you think they are
going to snap in half.
And the number one reason why you can't
trust vicious Pit Bulls...
1. They will steal your heart like a
thief in the night, showing you complete
and pure love that only a Pit Bull can
It's sad,but... It's a dog. Many animals are forbidden in certain places for all sorts of reasons. Ridiculous like you said... Yes, but its a dog. If you would put all of your energy into the injustices put on people instead you might cure the root problems of these decisions. Children are unjustly taken from their homes as well. This seems like a greater problem.
ReplyDeleteHow do we stop it. I will do what ever I need to do. But where do I start? Is there a petition to sign to the White House? I know I sound dumb but it seems like going to the State Representative is not working, All I know is if they came to my house My husband has the right to bare arms in the State where I live. Try and get in my house.But I am willing to put an end to this!
ReplyDeleteshared this ashley, thank you for posting. looking forward to the day where i can make one of these beautiful babies apart of my family.
ReplyDeleteI've said this a million times: The families of pit bulls have to be better than the average family. We can't just take our dogs home and leave it at that. We have to be ambassadors for the breed by ensuring that our dogs are stellar in their behavior at all times (that part is easy!), but we also have to be vigilant in our protection of our dogs. We can't just hope that BSL doesn't happen to us - we know that it happens around the world every single day. We have to stay on top of local and state government to be sure that we know when a law is pending that can shatter our families. And then we have to be willing to fight with everything we've got to be sure that law never passes. Bringing a pit bull into our families is so much more than bringing home a dog. We can't afford to be surprised that many people not only don't care for our dogs but are also actively attempting to eliminate them. We just can't afford to be that comfortable.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 8:37am,
ReplyDeleteNot sure if you noticed... but you came to a DOG blog. If the issues with humans bother you so much, then maybe YOU should work to change them.
Me... I'm busy being a voice for the dogs :)
We have a rescued Staffordshire Bull Terrier and she is the most affectionate being I have ever known. Roxie wouldn't hurt anyone unless they were hurting us. I don't understand why "pit bulls" got a bad reputation. Any dog can become an aggressive dog, if it isn't cared for properly. People are so uneducated. Even at the vet, people pull their dogs away from Roxie before they even know what she's like. What's funny is all she wants to do is kiss and play and the other dogs are the ones barking and growling.
ReplyDeleteI love dogs, especially the bully breed. I would love to adopt of foster but alas, our landlord wont allow it. What can I do to get involved in my community to advocate for "aggressive" breeds? I have tried to volunteer at the humane society but they dont take volunteers... they only hire people from the welfare office who arent even qualified to work in an animal shelter... can I get some suggestions?
ReplyDeleteBSL is ignorance at it's very worst. I just remember reading a story of the history of the American Bull Terrier...and how they were called the "Nanny Dog" many years ago. A "Nanny Dog"...yet now they are totally banned in some areas. I have signed many petitions requesting a BAN ON BSL....I am not sure it is doing any good... I am still reading about loosing their beloved pets due to this ridiculous law. I can't stand reading of how they are destroyed at countless animal shelters because of either the BSL or people being too stupid and complaining about this breed as a TERROR. I ask them.."have you ever owned one? Have you ever come into contact with one? Because if you did... you wouldn't say they are terrible dogs. I pray this law is uprooted and thrown out. Pitt Bulls, Rotties, Chow Chows...etc... with a good owner...all will be AWESOME dogs! God Bless all those that fight to rescue as many as they can. I'm sure it is far from easy.
ReplyDeleteIt's not the breed - it's the ignorant, useless people who raise a dog to be aggressive, mean and vicious. And usually just to make a quick buck at the dog's expense... Often the poor dogs are taunted, starved, and beaten until they are fighting for their survival. And many times even through the horror they live through, they still have love in their hearts for a loving family if given a chance to be loved and respected. And this goes for any breed - if they are beaten, mistreated, and raised to be aggressive then that's what you will get - any breed. Even people who are mistreated, starved, beaten will eventually become just that - an aggressive, angry person. At least dogs forgive must faster than people do.
ReplyDeleteThese laws are so ridiculous and unnecessary!! So are the people who put them in place.
Truly a sad thing. What can we do as individuals to help stop this insanity?!?!
ReplyDeleteBecause of my busy lifestyle I do not have dogs however have been around dogs all my life and have had dogs in the past. My brother had a "pit" years ago named Zeus. Zeus was as loving as any dog could get. His "viciousness" came in the form a big dog who just wanted to love on everyone. His size and strength was enough to push someone over but the worst he'd do is lick you to death. My brother spent a lot of time training Zeus and Zeus was a very obedient, wonderful dog. My neice was toddler at that time and Zeus was ever so gentle with her. My ex husband and I had Siberian Huskies at one time and they too can be provoked to bite yet Chloe was a sweet, loving dog. I have yet to understand BSL. The problem is not the dogs. The problem is the media and uneducated people.
ReplyDelete@Jessica Ann Stone: My dad had a Staffordshire Terrir- Cheyanne. Chey was a wonderful dog! The worst she'd do is lick you to death!
ReplyDeleteAnytime the government get's involved, be it local, state, or federal, you can be sure it'll be a screwed up mess. This is pitiful. They're acting without having all the facts. I personally know several pit bulls and they're very nice dogs. I have a Golden Retriever which by nature is a nice, well adjusted breed, but I've seen a few vicious ones. I've seen vicious Poodles. List goes on. Point is, you can take any breed and make them into whatever you want. Why doesn't the gov't do something about these punk, out of control kids we have living in our neighborhoods. A lot of them are far more dangerous than any dog I've ever seen! Or these out of control celebrities. Punish the innocent and reward the guilty. What a screwed up society this is!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is so sad that they lable dogs like this I have had boxers, american bull dog ,and other's that never hurt anyone or would never even try.the pits in my town get a bad rap already and its not the dog its almost always how they where trained. i pray every day for the dogs on the list of so called mean dogs.thier are no mean dogs just owners......i would trust mine with any child, or person...
ReplyDeletefrom the very first day i got my rescue "pit bull" mix i have a place for her to go if my city loses its mind and enacts BSL. I only knew to do this because i live in a suburb of denver which is a horrible place for our pitties.Hopefully i will never have to send her anywhere but i think it would kill me for her to be killed because of what she looks like dont have the same worries with my spaniel sure hope they get to grow old together since they love each other so much
ReplyDeleteThroughout time, the dog has been called mans best friend. Now I know it wasn't the dog that attached that label to himself, thousands of yrs ago, therefore it must have been man. So let me get this straight... Mans Best Friend... yet we treat many as enemies? Just because of their breed, wouldn't that be like racisum? Like if you don't speak enlish we don't want you here...or your skin isn't the right color, very messed up.
ReplyDeleteI Can say my dog is 1/2 Pit Bull and 1/2 aussie Shaperd and he is 52 lbs of love and a lap dog at that I would move before i would ever get rid of KC we have had KC now for 8 years he's my 12 year old son's best pal they play all the time. Not to soft i my say my son is a 2nd Degree BlackBelt and they play hard. Kc never try's and Kc has never bit any one. we had some try and break in our home about a month ago and KC showed his theet and barked at them meanly and they took off with out thier car and tools they use to get in our home. I some Thank-you KC and we love you
ReplyDeletemy husband and i say no more! we have two adopted "pit bulls" and they are the sweetest dogs in the world, a blessing in disguise considering the environment they had come from. we will always stand up for our "kids" in any way that we can to help them with the injustices of the ignorant!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you Ashley for what you do every day. Your efforts will not be in vain. I'm a proud pitbull owner and will continue to fight with you to advocate for these amazing angels.
ReplyDeleteThis just makes me sick, these poor animals and their poor families.
ReplyDeleteIt is time to find an attorney who has this type of dog who is willing to go forward and file a class action suit on behalf of pet owners, pets and us - the people. This sounds like total insanity and a money making process again for some cash strapped comunities. Please help us and find someone who will be an advocate for the animals, people and all of us.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletemy heart breaks and I cry just like you reading this. but the truth is people who don't know these dogs will NEVER understand and NEVER agree with us. that's why the only way to fight BSL is to keep the focus on the innocent PEOPLE who suffer, especially the children losing their best friends. also to make sure lawmakers understand the injustice of guilty till proven innocent, illegal search & seizure and lack of due process for hundreds of INNOCENT families. those are the things that will get their attention and stop BSL.
ReplyDeleteBSL is BS!!!! I live in a little smug community that has done this. They scared of everything and so self rightous. Oh, I might be inconvenienced or something. They are really sickening they go to church 3 times a week and have Jesus fish on their vehicles but yet wouldn't spit on someone on fire out of fear it may affect them in some negative way.
ReplyDeleteAshley (and everyone else), here is an article from where I live about a pit attack. THIS is why these BSL's are happening. It's the media. This has to stop!
This BSL crock is a bunch of crap. The problem is NOT the dogs it IS THE OWNERS. the dogs only react to how they are treated and raised. If you treat them will love, kindness and respect they will be the most wonderful animals around. I wish there self serving self rightous idiots would get over themselves and see the truth for once.
ReplyDeleteIt's the MEDIA making the the masses suffer for the actions of a handful of irresponsible owners and subsequently aggressive dogs. Like Ashley said, would we hold ALL men responsible for the actions of a few who have raped a woman? Should we hold one race responsible for the actions of a few? No. That'd be wrong. So why the hell do we hold an entire "breed" responsible for the actions of a few who in reality are only the way they are because they have idiots for owners.
ReplyDeleteNO MORE!!!! My friend has two, half "pit",half Chow dogs,that I would take in a heartbeat!!!Beautiful,loving dogs..Any dog can be made to be vicious and nasty..just like people..it's all in how you raise them..are certain types of people next to be banned?..made to follow stupid,unwarrented rules?..where do you draw the line..and it's a very fine line if you are going by appearances alone!!!..again..NO MORE!!!
ReplyDeleteFact: I have 2 Chows and they are amazing dogs, and great with kids! They are not vicious in any way and I would be absolutely devasted if I was forced to abandon them.
ReplyDeleteYou've said it and of course I re-iterate "BSL" IS Truly "BS". It is devastating enough that this destroys the lives of so many pups.
ReplyDeleteI guess what really is notable however, this is yet another reminder of the inverse relationship between reasonable intelligence and the mindset of so many of our legislators and citizens.
Just saw Beyond the Myth Boston and I could not agree with you more. We must make those people making such judgements watch this movie...it MUST be MANDATORY VIEWING for every elected and non-elected official in each and every town; every single person in animal control as well as shelters.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mr. Anonymous up above..lol
ReplyDeleteThere has to be an attorney SOMEWHERE in the United States of America that is willing to take on this Nation's fight against BSL
I have an amazin pit mix and I would be totally devastated if I had to give him up. He's been my support since my fiance has been gone away for his military trainin and hasn't once left my side unwillingly. Somethin has got to be done. My uncle has a shirt that says "Blame the Deed Not the Breed" and thats what we should do. The media really focuses on the attacks and not what how the breed truly is and the people who don't own one goes by what they see and hear. I have to tell my family all the good about him after I tell them what kind of dog he is. It's crazy!
ReplyDeleteWhile you are looking at the faces of these pit bulls, I am looking at the faces of their victims. You need to do that sometime to realize how much damage they are doing. When they attack one person, it isn't just one person affected. Their family, their community is affected. Until you guys get your s**t together and realize that pits are indeed different, you will have only yourselves to thank when the BSL and bans come. Wise up like the Dobbie community did and tell the truth for a change about pits. That will help them much more than spreading propaganda to get them pimped out to any old home that will take them.
ReplyDeleteSTOP BSL..NO MORE it's no fair for this loving animals. I hav 2 pits myself and they are the most loving and good natured dogs I ever own. This is injustice and the legislation on this needs to STOP NOW
ReplyDeleteIt is not a crime to be a Pitt !! One of the sweetest dog's I ever met, Brownie, is a pitt !! I love them. It is not the dog, IT IS THE OWNER !!! Stop making the poor dog pay for stupid people!!
ReplyDeleteJust leave the responsablaty to the owners and keep Big Brother "Government" out of it! Be a responsable Dog owner and then there is not any problems.I love my Pit and no one will ever take him from me. He is the sweetest loving animal there could ever be, and I know he would die for me and I for him. Lets band together and fit this ignorence or miss understanding of our breed!
ReplyDeletePlease JOIN "Stop BSL" on FaceBook and help fight BSL by writing letters to congressmen proposing BSL.
I hope a fund is started to take bsl to task at the federal level. States can make "safer" laws but not oppressive laws. There is no reliable research done on canine propensity to bite by breed. Statistics are gleaned from many different resources and unreliable, incomplete accounts. But from what has been deeper researched is the back stories that show a few things. Regardless of breed most dog fatalities are comitted by 2 or more dogs attacking. Children left unattended or allowed to wander in a neighbor's yard. Owners who allow a dog to run loose and chained dogs. Any dog can be dangerous. Doggie mental illness isn't prevalant, but an occasional dog is born dangerous. We are supposed to be a country based on rights, rule of law and fairness. How can anyone with a lick of common sense help pass something as useless and harmful as bsl ? It hurts public safety by taking the fear out of unbanned breeds. Look at Denver, the poster child for stupidity and the results of it's ban. Look at the back story of the fraud colleen lynn who appears to have defrauded an insurance company by a false claim. She now defraudes us in taxes thru her website dogsbite.org by claiming it to be educational. There is not one piece of educational material on it.
ReplyDeleteDont know how I missed "P.'s" comment above here earlier? Better late than never...SO sorry that you are upset by the victims of "pit bull" attacks. Duh, they're sad. I bet if every other dog attack was documented (all of the other breeds and attacks) and not just the pit bull ones, you'd be sad over those too. I think that you need to get YOUR s**t together and educate yourself on the pit bull breeds. I will be the first to say that yes, genetically, they are strong, and will do damaged if they were to attack. Well guess what? The same goes for labs, danes, GSDs, etc.I think you're super close minded and ridiculous...I also think that YOU need to wise up, and either open yourself up to facts and what you can do to help, or keep your ignorant opinions to yourself.
ReplyDeleteI have rescued 2 pit bulls myself and treat them like they are my children. The first one was rescued as a puppy that was severly beaten and nothing but skin and bones. He had no fur and was covered in sores. The first year I had him, I spent thousands of dollars getting him back to good health. When people see the before and after pictures they can't believe it's the same dog. My second pit was dropped off at my house while no one was there. She looks identical to the male we have. She was left as a small puppy less that 4 weeks old....too young to be taken from her mother. I have raised these babies like they should and never once have they offered to show a mean bone in their body. The three daschunds I also rescued have more of a viscous side to them than my pits. When people see I own bulldogs they want to start on their "how dare you speech".....that's when my blood boils and I kindly let them have it. People do not understand a pit bull can be one of the sweetest dogs as long as they are treated well. Any other breed are the same way....if they are mistreated then they will eventually fight back. Banning breeds of dogs just breaks my heart! As for P. that posted on here.....have you ever been around a pit bull or seen one properly cared for? More than likely not! People die and are attacked every day by their own kind! Sure they go to jail.....if they are caught, but most of the time they are eventually released. Do we see the government banning a certain race of people just because we hear about them killing and attacking others the most? That would be a No!!! Why should a breed of dogs be banned for the same reasons...they are just as human as we are!
ReplyDeleteBan bad owners..but don't stop there..people who cause thier own attack or cause a child to be attacked need to be punished..people have lost any sense of responsibility for thier actions..and laws like bsl just make it worse..how can any person be so blind and stupid to blame a breed ? All the scientific evidence shows no breed more likely to attack than another..and what the stories behind attacks shows is that every single attack is human caused..period..stupid people love to be led around with a lie because it relieves them if personal responsibility..and for P up there, I have a question..this year alone, more boxers and bulldogs have killed more people than the alleged "pit bull" breed, of which no breed called pit bull exists by the way..should boxers and bulldogs be banned too ? Labs and Golden Retrievers and Huskies are close behind in kills, how about them ? I believe there's a pattern here..Dogs bite ! And can kill !
ReplyDeleteIs that really such a news flash ? Ah, but who it what do we blame ? How about owners ? And victims that cause attacks ? When people are bitten by an animal is it always a human's fault..and that human should be punished for it..
When people are attacked it is always a human's fault, is how I meant that..that wasn't a question..just bad typing..
ReplyDeleteAnd for anyone who wants to know just hown many breeds are involved in human fatalities..just put "dog kills" in a google search..you'll not only get the demonized "pit bull" stories but also the many more stories that focus in on the story because if it isn't a "pit bull" the story is about "a dog" that killed..and down in the story the breed of dog, if known, gets a mention..stupid media n stupid people that jump in on the frenzy are what's wrong with useless and harmful bad legislation..
ReplyDeleteBSL is one of the most stupid and bull shit thing I ever see...Just because of those ignorant and selfish people, many innocent dogs are suffering!!! We must stop this!
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